How Far I Have Risen Blog



Navigating Life’s Twists: Uncovering Joy in the Unexpected

We’ve all experienced those days where everything seems to be going just right. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and we’re filled with a sense of optimism and enthusiasm. But then, out of nowhere, something unexpected happens. A minor setback, a disappointing news, or a small inconvenience throws us off balance, and suddenly, the joy we felt begins to fade away.

It’s moments like these that test our resilience and challenge our ability to stay grounded amidst life’s unpredictable nature. The stress and anxiety that accompany these sudden twists can feel overwhelming, threatening to overshadow the happiness we were experiencing just moments before.

But here’s the thing: adversity is a natural part of the human experience. It’s how we respond to these challenges that defines our strength and resilience. Instead of allowing setbacks to dictate the course of our day, we have the power to acknowledge them, learn from them, and choose to hold onto the joy that resides within us.

Even the smallest events have the potential to disrupt our peace and derail our plans. But by cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness, we can navigate these moments with grace and resilience. It’s about recognizing that while we may not have control over external circumstances, we do have control over how we choose to respond.

So, the next time something unexpected threatens to overshadow your day, take a moment to pause and breathe. Acknowledge the emotions that arise, but don’t let them consume you. Remember that joy is not dependent on external circumstances; it’s a state of being that resides within you, waiting to be rediscovered in even the darkest of moments.

Embrace the challenges, learn from them, and hold onto the joy that lights up your soul. By doing so, you’ll not only navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease but also cultivate a sense of resilience that will carry you through whatever comes your way.

Yours truly,


#Gratitude #Mindfulness #CountYourBlessings #PerspectiveShift #PersonalGrowth

Shifting Focus: From Worries to Gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s all too easy to become consumed by our worries and anxieties. We find ourselves fixating on what needs to be fixed, constantly striving for solutions and adjustments to alleviate our concerns. But in the midst of this perpetual cycle, we often overlook the blessings that surround us—the simple yet profound gifts that bring light and meaning to our lives.

It’s a common human tendency to allow our gaze to wander away from the abundance of blessings we’ve been given. We become so preoccupied with what’s lacking or imperfect that we fail to recognize the beauty and goodness that exists all around us. And when our efforts to find quick fixes or immediate solutions fall short, we’re left feeling anxious and overwhelmed, clinging to our worries as if they were our lifeline.

But what if, instead of allowing our worries to consume us, we intentionally shifted our focus to gratitude? What if we took a moment to pause and acknowledge the countless blessings that grace our lives each day? From the simple pleasure of having food on the table to the comfort of a roof over our heads, there is no shortage of reasons to be grateful.

When we choose to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, something remarkable happens. Our worries begin to lose their grip on us, and we find ourselves filled with a sense of confidence and reassurance. We come to realize that our concerns are never too big for the universe, and that there is a higher power at work, guiding us through life’s challenges and uncertainties.

So, let’s make a conscious effort to remember our blessings, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may be. Let’s shift our focus from worries to gratitude, and allow ourselves to bask in the abundance of goodness that surrounds us. For when we embrace gratitude, we open ourselves up to a world of possibility and potential, where even the darkest of days can be illuminated by the light of appreciation.

Yours truly,


#Gratitude #Mindfulness #CountYourBlessings #PerspectiveShift #PersonalGrowth

Navigating Entrepreneurial Challenges: Remember, You’re Not Alone

In the journey of entrepreneurship, the road isn’t always smooth. There are highs that make us feel like we’re on top of the world, and there are lows that leave us questioning everything. It’s during these moments of uncertainty that we may feel like we’re walking alone, carrying the weight of our insecurities, doubts, fears, and anxieties.

But here’s the truth: You are not alone. Every entrepreneur, no matter how successful, has experienced these same emotions. We’ve all faced moments of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. It’s a part of the journey—a rite of passage, if you will. So, I want to remind you today that your struggles do not define you. They are simply stepping stones on the path to your success. You are capable, resilient, and stronger than you know. And even in the darkest moments, there is light.

Reach out to your fellow entrepreneurs, your support system, your community. Share your burdens, your fears, your doubts. You’ll be surprised at how many can relate and offer guidance, encouragement, and support. Keep pushing forward, even when it feels like the world is against you. Your dreams are worth fighting for, and you have everything within you to make them a reality.

Yours truly,


Cheap vs. Quality: Decoding the True Value of Service Providers

In today’s competitive marketplace, the quest for affordability often reigns supreme. For many consumers, finding the cheapest option is the ultimate goal, leading some to overlook the value of quality and expertise. This reality is particularly evident in service-based industries, where individuals may face challenges when their prices are perceived as higher than the competition.

Imagine being turned away because your rates don’t align with what others deem “affordable.” It’s a scenario all too familiar for countless professionals who have poured their time, energy, and resources into building a reputable business. While everyone strives to offer competitive rates, the definition of affordability can vary significantly.

For some, affordability means cutting corners, working solo, and bypassing essential investments in their business infrastructure. These individuals may lack the necessary licenses, insurance coverage, or industry certifications, yet their lower prices may entice budget-conscious consumers. However, opting for the cheapest option can sometimes result in subpar service or even legal complications down the line.

On the other hand, there are those who have meticulously crafted their business, ensuring that all proverbial “ducks are in a row.” They’ve invested in professional development, obtained the requisite licenses and permits, and implemented robust systems to deliver exceptional results. While their prices may reflect the true cost of quality service, some potential clients may overlook these factors in favor of immediate cost savings.

The reality is that affordability should not be equated solely with the lowest price tag. Instead, it should encompass a holistic assessment of value, reliability, and peace of mind. Choosing a service provider based solely on price may ultimately lead to disappointment or even financial repercussions.

So, the next time you’re tempted to opt for the cheapest option, consider the bigger picture. Investing in a reputable professional may require a slightly higher upfront cost, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial savings. After all, when it comes to quality service, the true cost of affordability extends far beyond the price tag.

From Cleaning Houses to Creating Empires: The Inspiring Journey of Jacky Costello

Meet Jacky Costello, the embodiment of resilience, ambition, and relentless determination. A decade ago, Jacky left her homeland of Germany after just beating cancer, and embarked on a journey to the United States, armed with little more than a dream and a willingness to work hard. What began as a humble endeavor cleaning houses for a few extra dollars has blossomed into a thriving enterprise, with Jacky at the helm of a half-million-dollar business.

Jacky’s story is one of unwavering perseverance. Despite facing initial challenges and uncertainties, she refused to be deterred. Instead, she seized every opportunity to learn and grow, dedicating herself wholeheartedly to her craft. Day and night, she poured her energy into her work, continually honing her skills and expanding her knowledge.

Through sheer determination and a steadfast commitment to excellence, Jacky transformed her one-person cleaning gig into a flourishing business empire. Her journey serves as a testament to the power of hard work, resilience, and the unwavering belief in oneself.

But Jacky’s story doesn’t end there. Recognizing the importance of giving back and paying it forward, she has taken on the role of mentor and coach, eager to share her wisdom and expertise with others. Whether you’re seeking guidance to turn your passion into profit or looking to transform your dreams into reality, Jacky is here to help.

Follow Jacky Costello on her journey and discover how you too can overcome obstacles, unleash your potential, and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of. Reach out today to embark on your own transformative journey and let Jacky be your guide. Together, we can turn aspirations into achievements, one step at a time.

Breaking Free from the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle: 5 Tips for Immediate Change

Living paycheck to paycheck can be exhausting and limiting, but the good news is that you have the power to break free from this cycle.


Here are five practical tips to help you take control of your finances starting today:


Budget Wisely: Create a detailed budget to track your income and expenses. Identify areas where you can cut back and allocate funds strategically. This simple step can provide clarity on your financial situation.

Emergency Fund: Establishing an emergency fund is crucial for unexpected expenses. Start small, setting aside a portion of your income regularly. Over time, this fund can serve as a financial safety net, reducing reliance on each paycheck.

Explore Additional Income Streams: Consider side gigs or freelance opportunities to supplement your income. The digital age offers various platforms for remote work, providing flexibility to earn extra money outside your primary job.

Financial Education: Invest time in learning about personal finance. Understanding concepts like investing, saving, and debt management empowers you to make informed decisions, breaking the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.

Seek Professional Guidance: If navigating financial challenges feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help. Financial advisors can provide personalized strategies to improve your financial situation, offering guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Ready to take the first step towards financial freedom? Reach out to me for personalized assistance and support on your journey to breaking free from the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle. Together, we can build a brighter and more secure financial future.


#FinancialFreedom #BreakTheCycle #BudgetingTips #SideHustle #FinancialWellness

Why Millennials Rock the Digital Business Scene

Alright, let’s squash that “lazy millennial” myth. I see this misconception a lot in my daily work with entrepreneurs. Truth is, millennials are the engine behind the digital entrepreneurial boom. Here’s why they’re not just important but vital for our business future.

  1. Tech Wizards: Born in the digital age, they’re the masters of tech. They flip it, twist it, and create new ways to do business that we never dreamed of.
  2. Purpose Power: Millennials aren’t just after cash. They want a business that means something. They’re all about social good and making an impact. That’s shaping businesses to be more about people and the planet.
  3. Roll with the Punches: They’re pros at handling change. Quick shifts? No biggie. They adapt, they innovate, and they thrive in the chaos.
  4. Born Entrepreneurs: These folks grew up thinking outside the box. Risk-taking and seizing opportunities are second nature to them.
  5. Team Players: Forget cutthroat competition; they’re all about teamwork. Collaboration is their jam, fueling some serious innovation.
  6. Shake Things Up: Millennials aren’t scared to rock the boat. They’re turning industries upside down with new ideas and fresh takes.
  7. Digital Game Changers: They practically live online. Their social media game? Strong. That’s rewriting how businesses connect with customers and market their stuff.

In a nutshell, these millennials are the driving force behind where business is headed. Their knack for tech, passion for purpose, and ability to hustle in a fast-paced world make them the unsung heroes of the digital entrepreneurial revolution.

So, let’s stop with the stereotypes and start celebrating these go-getters. They’re not just important; they’re the future-makers in the business world.


If you’d like to hear more about my story check out our book here!

Dear Cancer – A letter


I go between being really angry at you and being grateful. Angry? You are wondering why I am still angry at you? You stole years from me! You stole part of my future from me, happiness, love, control, lightheartedness. I had surgery, procedures, pain, nausea, constipation, insomnia, anger and depression; not to mention urinary catheters, being in pain and taking pain meds for a long time.

I should have been planning to grow my family, work, be with friends and family, riding my bike, not be so tired when I wanted to sleep, then not being able to sleep because of insomnia, not being able to lift anything more then 2 lbs, making dinner then not being able to eat because I felt completely awful.

You still make it hard for me to think because of feelings I’ve never felt before. I used to know the answers to things, but some days I just struggle to comprehend how I was chosen by you and why. Yes! I have been cancer free for 10 years, but I still ask the why question silently. You manage to remind me sometimes daily of side effects to come and go on a whim. I got excited when my neuropathy in my legs and pelvis went away, but frustrated when it comes back from time to time, because you caused me to loose 50 lymph nodes that had an important purpose in my body.
You manage to to create a deep sadness inside of me. Still. No warning. No preparation. You still affect my life. You changed my life forever. Strangers can’t see it. Even friends and family can’t. I have body dysmorphia, scars, both emotional and physical because of you. You made it hard for me to look at myself for the longest time, making me feel like I am not a whole person. That has faded, yet I am still angry about it. I have read books, articles, spoke to many doctors to learn more about you. I would have usually never studied about something I disliked as much as I dislike you.
I often find myself in a dark place but I am not letting you take any more from me then you already have.
You wonder why I am still grateful? I am not grateful for you! I am grateful that I found you early, early enough to get treatment to stop you. I am grateful that I found strength and faith that I never knew I had. I am grateful that I have my support system of family and friends. Mostly Wes and Dean. If it wasn’t for them I would have given up more then once. I am grateful for the medical staff that I had. I am grateful for the network of people that I have in my life. I am grateful I have found a purpose. You think you did all this for me? I realized strength and determination was in me all along, it just took something as vile as you to bring it to the surface.
Now you can leave. Leave my family and friends alone too. You can leave people I never met alone. You can go away. Never come back.
Sincerely, Jacky


If you’d like to hear more about my story check out our book here!

Think Really Hard Before Leaving a Negative Review

As an entrepreneur and small business owners I know from first hand experience how a business can be made and broken due to negative online reviews.

When you leave a review, positive or negative you need to strongly consider the meaning and purpose that review carries with it.

Let’s be honest. Many customers will never say anything even if they have been satisfied with the product or service they received. The reason many companies have any reviews is because the business actively works on asking clients to leave a good review if they are happy with the service. Today I would like to encourage you to leave more positive reviews! A very helpful employee who went above and beyond? You ran late to your appt but the business still made it work because they value you as a customer. The waitress accepted your unusual request even though it’s clearly not on the menu. Your cleaning lady stays longer to fold your laundry, clean the litter boxes helps pulling some boxes out of the attic for you because you are sick and just needed the extra help? Those are all things to not take for granted and be thankful for. Reasons to leave a quick positive review. Employees and business owners will work even harder in the future if they know their hard work is being appreciated.

Usually people only tend to leave a review when something didn’t go well. What people sometimes forget is that especially small business owners rely 100% on their employees. Times are crazy! People say they want to work but often don’t show up. When that happens a small business owner easily enters a crisis trying their best to keep the business going. A small business owner relies on their staff as well as they rely on their customers. Sometimes it’s like a battle you can never win.

While I am not at all defending poorly run businesses, and I’m not saying that if you had a bad experience you should ignore it. I just think that a lot of people do not think through the implications of their negative review. Instead of shredding someone on social media or leaving a negative review reach out to the business owner directly. Explain why you are upset and see what the business owner can offer to fix the issue. You may be surprised to find out that a small business owner will probably try much harder to make mends then a big corporation.

The greatest reward is the appreciation of the people. -Gopi Sundar.


If you’d like to hear more about my story check out our book here!

Want to become a thriving cleaning business owner? Here’s the formula for success:

1️⃣ Start with Passion: Love what you do, and your dedication will shine through every task.

2️⃣ Quality is Key: Deliver exceptional service, and your clients will become your biggest promoters.

3️⃣ Build Trust: Honesty and reliability are the foundation of strong customer relationships.

4️⃣ Embrace Tech: Stay organized and efficient with the latest cleaning tools and software.

5️⃣ Market Wisely: Harness the power of social media and word-of-mouth to expand your reach.

6️⃣ Invest in Training: Constantly improve your skills and stay updated on the latest cleaning trends.

7️⃣ Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Listen to feedback and go the extra mile to exceed expectations.

8️⃣ Happy Team, Happy Business: Treat your employees well, and they’ll be motivated to deliver their best.

9️⃣ Be Adaptable: Stay flexible in a dynamic market to meet diverse customer needs.

🔟 Never Stop Learning: Keep educating yourself about business management and industry innovations.

With dedication and a strong work ethic, you’ll not only become a successful cleaning business owner but also stay at the top of your game! 🌟 #CleaningBusiness #Entrepreneurship #SuccessTips


If you’d like to hear more about my story check out our book here!